Collaborations with the PPTC and SPC to improve laboratory standards in Fiji
- Collaborate with the PPTC and SPC to provide workshops and training for members in both public & private sectors.
- To provide webinars for members on work related specific trainings.
- Building a bridge of opportunities for our members.
Establish a partnership with MoHMS in Fiji to take laboratory related decision & uphold standards
- Have an FIMLS representative sit in the Medicinal board.
- Work on policy changes & National Laboratory Standards for the betterment of the members.
- Work on improving working standards & have discussion on matters which affect members.
- Strengthen FIMLS & MoHMS Partnership.

Work on scholarships & attachment opportunities with our regional partners
- To be able to provide scholarship programs with regional universities for members.
- Provide internship/attachment programs for final year students in collaboration with FNU and our regional partners.
Partner up with AIMS & NZIMLS
- Work on pathways to have our qualification recognised.
- Strengthen the bond between FIMLS & our regional partners.
- Building a bridge of opportunities for our members.

Work with the legal team to finalise the name change in the APH Act & get licenced
- Have the name changed in the AHP Act.
- Get practicing licence for members.
- Strengthen the FIMLS Constitution & Introduced By-laws to safeguard members.
- Improve FIMLS Membership numbers.
Be able to provide LQMS, IATA * other training via FIMLS
- To be able to train members in both the public & private sector.
- To ensure all laboratory professionals in Fiji are LQMS trained and understand the importance of laboratory standards.
- To improve the laboratory standards in Fiji.